"Disney's Aladdin" is already halfway through its summer run at CST on Navy Pier ending August 30. CST put a humorous, modern day twist on a classic tale that I will continue to love for generations to come. When Disney first came out with the animated movie in 1992, I was in third grade. I remember getting the book afterwards along with all of the well marketed extras. Disney has made its fortune off children like me and the parents that oblige, but I digress.
I attended a staging of Aladdin about 15 years ago, but it did not attempt to bring the story to life the way CST achieved. At the age of 25, I fell in love with the story again. Almost ran out and bought the DVD so I could watch the original animated classic repeatedly- not really.
I remember Princess Jasmine as being my favorite character back then. I was a little girl and I wanted to be a princess too, so that makes sense. Yet, there is a new character that warms my heart. He is energetic, funny, and oh so blue. He is Genie.
This character literally stole the CST show and ran with it. He was all over the place and I could not get enough. From his ponytail right down to his curled pointed toe SNEAKERS, I fell in love. He was also- do I dare say it- COOL! Yes, he knew all about what was hip and current in my 2009 world. For an ancient genie, he sure had a lot of boyish charm.
Nothing was off limits for this genie. The magic carpet wasn't the only thing flying, but let's not go there. I doubt that many of the audience members really understand the work that went into diversifying his jokes for all situations- or even all the jokes themselves. Yet, there was something for everybody. That was key.
A genie that can quote actual Shakespearian dialogue and snap back his ponytail to a Beyonce song (too funny for words) can definitely "put a ring on it" and more.
Don't take my word for it. Check out this for more info and hopefully you will get to take home a camel as a prized method of transportation. I know I did.